It can be said that essential oils are one of the products extracted from 100% nature, so essential oils are used for great beauty, especially it also works to reduce swelling and acne effectively.
Green tea essential oil

Green tea is one of the most popular ingredients to heal acne, in today’s cosmetics, with the way to reduce acne from green tea essential oil you add 6 drops of essential oil to a few drops of vegetable oil, then Apply on the pimples, massage gently for 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil has anti-inflammatory, burn, and wound-healing properties. In particular, lavender essential oil helps reduce redness and swelling caused by acne. Therefore, when using lavender essential oil, your acne spots will gradually reduce swelling quickly and gradually disappear, helping the skin to be free from tmaa and scars. To achieve the effect, you put 5-6 drops of lavender essential oil with a few drops of water, then use a cotton swab to dip into the mixture and apply to the acne spots.
Melaleuca oil

With anti-bacterial and antiseptic effects, cajeput oil is one of the safe and effective acne remedies. How to reduce acne swelling with cajeput essential oil, you use a cotton swab, then drop a few drops of essential oil, then apply to the acne spots 2 times a day before going to bed and after waking up before morning.
Turmeric essential oil

Among the herbs that have the effect of treating acne, turmeric has always been considered a panacea to keep the skin young and smooth. Turmeric essential oil has the effect of reducing acne swelling, brightening the skin and fighting the harmful effects of light photos.
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